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Bad Zwischenahn / Petersfehn
abo]sign – plan your rooms now with sound insulated movable design partitions
Bad Zwischenahn / Petersfehn
Das Krandelbad Wildeshausen bietet, vor allem im Sommer, den perfekten Ort für die ganze Familie. Dank dem großzügigen Freibad kommt hier keiner zu kurz.
Durch die Unterstützung von abopart, kann auch das Hallenbad, an heißen Tagen optimal genutzt werden. Teile der großen Glasfront, die ohnehin für sehr viel Tageslicht sorgt, können geöffnet werden, um noch mehr Sonnenstrahlen „summerfeeling“ hinein lassen zu können.
Auch für den Winter sind unsere Produkte für den Außenbereich optimal geeignet, denn durch die thermische Trennung funktionieren sie wie ein Wintergarten. Die Wärme wird im Bad festgehalten.
Unsere Rahmenglaswände machen dies möglich!
France - LE SYNDICAT / Bad Zwischenahn
We welcome our new partner in France, Mr. Cédric Gustin from INTELLISPACE. Mr. Gustin has long years of experience and we are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation. Good luck!
Depuis le 1er Janvier 2015 nous nous félicitons d’avoir un nouveau partenaire en France. Nous souhaitons, avec fierté, la bienvenue à Monsieur Cédric Gustin de la société INTELLISPACE. Mr. Gustin possède une longue expérience dans les domains de la vente, la promotion ainsi que la prescription de nos produits. Savoirs et connaissances qui sont dès à présent mis en oeuvre dans l‘intérêt de nos clients et utilisateurs. Dès à présent nous nous réjouissons de cette situation ainsi que de notre développement et sommes persuadés d’une longue et fructueuse collaboration. Succès et bonne chance à Cédric.
The project CityCube Berlin is nearly finished.
Here is an impression of the construction progress with abopart employees as actors.
Watch the video: CityCube Berlin – The construction progress
source: http://www.citycube-berlin.de
A big playground can be created out of a region of non-operation by using the mobile walls of abopart. The open atmosphere provides a perfect insight for the staff and the needed space for adventures for the children.
Since March we hired some new colleagues.
We are glad to work with:
- Kerstin Wohlfarth (offer and order department)
- Alexander Stehmeier (development)
- Lothar Göhring (technical manager)
- Sonja Kuhlmann (order department)
- Roxana-Anna Suligowski (trainee)
We wish all of them good luck!
Bad Zwischenahn / Singapur
From 14th until 16th October 2013 Great Year and abopart had a meeting in order to exchange experiences and discuss future strategies. The significance and the development of the Asian market as well as the implementation of the latest generation of movable partitions were the main topics of this meeting. abopart and Great Year intend to double the current total value order within the upcoming 3 years. This will be achieved by introducing new products and solutions and by being more seen and heard of in Asia.
Bad Zwischenahn / Stühlingen
Stühlingen (sbe): The available space of the new daycare facility for children: 1580 sqm. Outdoor area: 1300 sqm. There are three groups for children under 3, two groups for children from 3 to 6 and two fulltime groups and one group for children from 6 to 14 years. The budget was 3.7 million Euro. Nevertheless, it is expected that the final settlement will fall short of this amount. 62,5 % of these investments have been subsidized by the government. Otherwise, the small city of Stühlingen with its 5175 inhabitants would not have been capable to manage this project. From the 90ies on until 2011 the Frauenverein Stühlingen, who did pioneering work back then, was the organizing institution of the kindergarten, in 2012 the Caritasverband Hochrhein took over.